Hakemus puheenjohtajaksi ja hallituksenmuodostajaksi

Hakemus puheenjohtajaksi ja hallituksenmuodostajaksi

In English below :slight_smile:

Moikka! Mä olen Pinja, neljännen vuoden automaatio-opiskelija ja ehdolla AS:n puheenjohtajaksi vuodelle 2024. Koronavuonna aloittaneena kilta oli pitkään melkeinpä ainoa kosketuspinta opiskelijayhteisöön. Kun melkein vuotta myöhemmin löysin tieni vapaaehtoishommiin, hurahdin täysillä mukaan. Killassa työskentely on kasvattanut ihmisenä, opettanut uusia taitoja ja antanut itsevarmuutta. Haluan ylläpitää ja rakentaa yhteisöä, joka mahdollistaa tämän myös muille.

Näin onnelliseksi tulen kiltahommista:

Mielestäni killan tärkeimpiä tehtäviä on tarjota yhteisö, uusia kokemuksia ja tukea opintojen aikana. Keskeistä näissä tavoitteissa on, että kilta ottaa avoimesti vastaan erilaiset ihmiset ja panostaa monipuoliseen toimintaan, sitseistä retkeilyyn saakka. Parhaimmillaan kilta tarjoaa jokaiselle jotain: hauskoja tapahtumia, opiskelukavereita, tukea opintojen haasteisiin, hengailupaikan luentojen väliin, monipuolisia vapaaehtoistöitä tai vaikkapa ilmaista kahvia.

Kilta ja tuleva vuosi

Killassa on tapahtunut paljon isoja muutoksia viime vuosina. Pitkä sääntöuudistus saatiin juuri päätökseen, uusi jäsenrekisteri, brändiuudistus, häirintäyhdyshenkilötoiminta ja eettinen ohjesääntö ovat vain muutamia esimerkkejä killassa tapahtuneesta kehityksestä. Tuleva vuosi on mahdollisuus tarkkailla uudistusten vaikutuksia ja tehdä tarpeenmukaan muutoksia. Haluan myös vahvistaa jatkuvuutta kattavalla, ajantasaisella dokumentaatiolla ja selkeillä prosesseilla. Poikkeuksellisesta juhlavuodesta palautuminen on myös ensi vuoden teemana. Sujuva kiltatoiminta ja jatkuvuus olisivat siis keskiössä.

Killan sisäänotto on myös kasvanut, joka tuo omat haasteensa ja vaatii mukautumista. Yhteistyö korkeakoulun ja laitosten kanssa korostuvat tässä ja haluaisinkin kehittää yhteistyötä tulevana vuonna. Killan kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden määrä on myös samalla kasvanut. On ensisijaisen tärkeää, että killassa on tervetullut olo riippumatta taustastaan tai kielitaidostaan. Kansainvälisille opiskelijoille suunnattua toimintaa pitää jatkossakin tukea ja vahvistaa, mutta myös killan yleisessä menossa on tärkeää panostaa englanninkieliseen viestintään sekä avoimeen ilmapiiriin.

Hyvinvointi ja vapaaehtoisten jaksaminen on itselleni tärkeä teema. Killassa on tehty viime vuosina tehty paljon työtä tämän eteen, jota on hyvä jatkaa. Haluan edistää killassa vapaaehtoiskulttuuria, jossa myös työläämmät pestit eivät tunnu liian raskailta. Vaikka ajankäyttö vaatii priorisointia, vapaaehtoisuuden ei pitäisi syrjäyttää muuta elämää tai tulla yöunien kustannuksella. Yhden ihmisen harteille ei saa kaatua liikaa vastuuta ja työskentelyn pitää tuntua antoisalta.

Miksi minä?

Olen nyt yli kolme vuotta ollut killassa erilaisissa hommissa. Hallinto on kiinnostanut aina ja ensimmäinen kiltahommani olikin jäsenrekisteriuudistuksen selvitystyöhön osallistuminen. Tästä matka jatkui DSD-ISOksi ja viime vuonna killan opintomestariksi. Opintomestarina opin paljon killan toiminnasta, hallitustyöskentelystä, mutta myös killan suhteesta kouluun ja edunvalvonnasta. Opintomestarin tehtävät ovat antaneet hyvä valmiudet myös puheenjohtajana toimimiseen. Molemmissa tehtävissä tärkeää on selkeä ja aloitteellinen kommunikointi, kokonaisuuksien hahmottaminen ja edunvalvonta. Tänä vuonna olen päässyt tutustumaan killan toimintaan uusista näkökulmista toimihenkilönä. Olen muun muassa hoitanut killan suhteita Suomen Automaatioseuraan ja TEK:iin. Killan ulkopuolella olen puheenjohtanut Opintoneuvostoa, joka on AYY:n alla toimiva toimikunta Otaniemen kiltojen ja ainejärjestöjen opintovastaaville.

Yhteenvetona kasvava ja kehittyvä kilta tarvitsee tukea toiminnalleen. Puheenjohtaja haluan ylläpitää jatkuvuutta ja kehittää toimintatapoja, jotta killassa työskennellessä voisi keskittyä olennaiseen ilman epävarmuutta. Yhdessä tekemisen henki ja hyvä meno ovat, miksi lähdin itsekin killan hommiin aikoinaan. Killan toiminnan kuuluu olla hauskaa, kiinnostavaa ja tekijöidensä näköistä. Puheenjohtajana haluan tarjota tukiverkon killan toimijoille ja varmistaa, että killassa on jatkossakin hyvä olla.


Kuka? Pinja Mäkeläinen

Mihin? Puheenjohtajaksi ja hallituksenmuodostajaksi

Miksi? Koska kilta on rakas :heart:

Jos tulee mitään mieleen niin kyselkää täällä tai tg:n puolella @Pinjaatti. Voi myös tulla vetämään hihasta, jos törmäillään :smiley:

Loppuun vielä kissakuva:

Application for Chairperson and Former of the Board

Hello! I’m Pinja, a fourth-year automation student and running for AS’s chairperson for 2024. When I started my studies during the COVID-19 pandemic, the guild was the only contact I had with the student community for a long time. Almost a year later, when I found my way to volunteer work, I jumped right. Working in the guild has grown me as a person, taught new skills, and given confidence. I want to maintain and build a community that also enables this for others.

This is how happy the guild makes me:

I believe that the main duties of the guild are to offer a community, new experiences, and support during studies. For these objectives, it is crucial that the guild openly welcomes everyone and arranges varied activities, from sitsit to trekking. At its best, the guild offers something for everyone: fun events, study buddies, support in study challenges, a place to hang out between lectures, various volunteer work, or free coffee.

The Guild and the Upcoming Year

There have been many significant changes in the guild in recent years. A lengthy rule revision has just been concluded, a new member registry, brand renewal, confidential counselors, and a Code of Conduct are just a few examples of the guild’s recent improvements. The upcoming year provides an opportunity to observe the effects of these changes and make adjustments as necessary. I also want to strengthen continuity with comprehensive, up-to-date documentation and clear processes. Recovering from an exceptional 25th anniversary year is also another focus for next year. Smooth guild operations and continuity are therefore central next year.

The guild’s intake has also increased, which brings its challenges and demands adaptation. The need for collaboration with the university and departments is emphasized here, and I would like to develop and continue this in the coming year. The number of international students in the guild has also grown. It’s important that everyone feels welcome in the guild regardless of their background or language proficiency. Activities targeted at international students need to continue to be supported and strengthened, but communication in English and an open atmosphere are also essential in the general guild setting.

Volunteers’ well-being is a crucial theme for me. Especially in recent years, a lot of work has been done in the guild on this topic, and this should continue. I want to promote a volunteer culture in the guild where even the most challenging tasks don’t feel too trying. While time management requires prioritization, volunteering shouldn’t completely overshadow other life or come at the cost of enough sleep. Too much responsibility shouldn’t fall on one person’s shoulders, and the work should feel rewarding.

Why me?

For over three years, I’ve been involved in various guild roles. I’ve always been interested in administration, and my first guild task was participating in determining what platform to use for the guild’s member registry. From that I continued as a DSD ISO and, last year, as the guild’s Master of Studies. As the Master of Studies, I learned a lot about the guild’s operations, board work, the guild’s relationship with the school, and advocacy. Working as the Master of Studies has prepared me well for the role of chairperson. Clear and proactive communication, an understanding of the bigger picture, and advocacy are vital in both roles. This year, I’ve gotten to know the guild from new perspectives as an official. Among other duties, I’ve managed the guild’s relations with the Finnish Society of Automation and TEK. Outside of the guild, I have chaired the Study Council, an AYY committee for guilds’ and subject associations’ study affair representatives.

In summary, a growing and evolving guild needs support. As a chairperson, I want to maintain continuity and improve processes so that those working in the guild can focus on their work itself. The spirit of doing things together and fun atmosphere are why I initially got involved within the guild. Guild activities should be fun, interesting, and reflective of its members. As a chairperson, I want to offer a support network for the guild’s volunteers and ensure that the guild continues to be a great place.


Who? Pinja Mäkeläinen

For what? Chairperson and Former of the Board

Why? Because I love our guild :heart:

If anything comes to mind, ask here or on Telegram @Pinjaatti. You can also come to talk to me if you see me :smiley:

Here is a cat picture to finish:


Hi Pinja!

First of all, good choice to try for the position! And then, a couple questions:

-is it more important to have “the best people for the job” or a board with “good spirit”? Why?

-what do you see as the biggest current challenge the guild is facing? How would you solve it?

-If there is a place on the board you feel is a “must have”, and no one applies for the position, how do you solve the situation?

-How close do you feel the chairperson should be to individual decisions? Do see yourself as a hands-off or hands-on type of leader?

Muutama kyssäri siitä, tsemppiä!

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Hi! Thank you for your questions. Here are my answers. If anything is unclear or further questions arise, feel free to ask :slightly_smiling_face:

-is it more important to have “the best people for the job” or a board with “good spirit”? Why?

I think these factors actually tie together but, of course, they require consideration. During the board selection, factors such as commitment, attributes, ideas, and experience among other things, are considered to find the best person for specific positions. In addition, all positions require communication skills, a willingness to work together, and an interest in not only their specific position but in guild matters in general. These qualities will allow for building a good spirit. Once the board has officially been formed, working together begins. Spending time together outside of board duties, especially in the beginning, allows for bonding which in turn creates a board with good spirit. Ensuring that the board members have plenty of time to have fun together and get to know each other is essential for motivated board work as well as to maintain overall happiness. In essence, how the person fits into their position and the board are both something to consider but it is not one or the other.

-what do you see as the biggest current challenge the guild is facing? How would you solve it?

The biggest current challenge is maintaining continuity with the new changes that have happened in recent years and adapting to our high intake of new students. Maintaining recent changes will require ongoing work. Ensuring that new systems and processes are used as a part of regular guild work. In addition, taking note of what works and what needs to be changed. Another challenge is our growing intake. Large student intake requires more resources from both the guild and the school. Ensuring that we have sufficient space as well as enough resources and volunteers is essential. This requires active and continuous work from the board. This includes, communicating and negotiating with the school, ensuring sufficient sponsorships, and ensuring that the guild’s internal processes and communication are clear.

-If there is a place on the board you feel is a “must have”, and no one applies for the position, how do you solve the situation?

All the different board positions serve a clear and important purpose to be filled. Missing anyone from the board would significantly impact the guild’s operations and cause further work for the chair and the board. In this situation, I would do my best to find interest from applicants that may have applied for other positions and especially positions with multiple applicants. If absolutely necessary, there is the possibility to try and recruit people directly, which hopefully won’t be needed. I hope and believe that eventually all positions will be filled, one way or another. Board work is rewarding, interesting, and I’m committed to supporting my board members in their work. Board membership shouldn’t require superhuman accomplishments or an extraordinary amount of work. If a possible applicant was worried about the possible workload, I would be more than happy to discuss and manage expectations regarding the upcoming year. This goes for all positions, but especially for positions without any interested applicants.

-How close do you feel the chairperson should be to individual decisions? Do see yourself as a hands-off or hands-on type of leader?

In regards to decisions made by the whole board, I think that the chair should participate in the discussion actively. Even though I would voice my opinion, I think the chair should also support the conversation. This can mean familiarizing well with the topics beforehand and giving a few thought out options to start the discussion or simply keeping the discussion on track. Individual decisions that clearly fall under another board member’s sector should be left mostly to them to decide. My aim is to choose people I trust to make good decisions. I would of course be available to discuss the decision, but I’m not interested in micromanaging anyone or forcing my opinion on matters that don’t necessarily concern administration or the guild as a whole. That being said, I see myself as a more hands-on leader because I’m very interested in all aspects of the guild. I want to keep up with as well as participate in what is going on in the guild. Hopefully board members and other volunteers would also feel free to chat with me about decisions they are making or their positions in general.