Hakemus kulttuurimestariksi 2024

Mun pärstän pitäs olla vähintään etäisesti tuttu ainakin aktiivisimmalle sitsikansalle, mutta jos et satu mua tuntemaan (tai muistamaan…) niin mun nimi on Elina. Tän vuoden mä oon pyöriny killan emäntänä, mutta mä en oo vielä saanu tapahtumanjärkkäyksestä tarpeekseni ja siksipä mä haenkin hallitukseen kulttuurimestariksi 2024!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Mitä mä haluun tehdä?
Kilta on kasvanut kuluneena vuonna taas lisää ja saanut uusia tuttavuuksia. Haluankin lujittaa näitä ystävyyssuhteita niin uusiin kuin vanhoihinkin kavereihin. Lisäksi haluan muokata kulttuuritoimikunnan rakennetta Kiiran ehottamalla tavalla (ks. Ehdotus Hyvinvointimestarin roolin lisäämisestä Kulttuuritoimikuntaan), ja yhessä hyvinvointimestarin kanssa varmistaa, että killan hyvinvointitoiminta lähtee käyntiin, samalla kuitenkin varmistaen kulttuuritoiminnan jatkuvuuden ja laadukkaan tason tulevaisuudessakin. Ja viimeisimpänä muttei suinkaan vähäisimpänä, haluan tietysti luoda yhtenäisen kulttuuritoimikunnan, ja toteuttaa just mun ja toimikuntalaisten näkösiä tapahtumia. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Miksi minä?
Mun kiltaurani alkoi vasta tupsuvuonna, jolloin lähinkin useempaan toimikuntaan mukaan, mm. kulttuurikisälliksi. Nyt täksi vuodeksi mä jättäydyin suurimmasta osasta pois, siis myös kulttuuritoimikunnasta, jotta voisin keskittyä paremmin emännän pestiini. Vaikka sitsit nyt onkin vähän erilaisia kuin kulttuurin tapahtumat, uskon, että mun kokemus tapahtumien suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta sekä toimikunnan vetämisestä ja hallitustyöskentelystä tekevät musta loistavan kulttuurimestarin. Ja tän kaiken lisäks musta ois vaan ihan megasiistiä olla kulttuurimestari, ja päästää tapahtumajärkkäysluovuuteni uudella tavalla valloilleen!

Kyssäreit, kommenttei, huutisteltavaa? Ota yhteyttä TGssä @elunaheluna tai sano päin naamaa kun törmätään :wink:

2023: Emäntä, ASkivahti
2022: kulttuurikisälli, minIEn, depressantti

Kuka? Elina, joskus kans Emilia :smiley:
Mitä? Kulttuurimestari 2024?? :partying_face: :partying_face:
Miksi? Sopiva yhistelmä kokemusta, intoa ja rakkautta lajiin sekä kiltaan <3
DC: Vapaa mutta pakollinen

Näin leveästi minä hymyilisin Kulttuurimestarin hommia tehdessäni :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
// This is how wide I’d smile while being the Master of Culture :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

My face should be at least vaguely familiar to the active sitsi-people, but if you don’t happen to know (or remember…) who I am, my name is Elina. This year I’ve been working as the Hostess of the guild, but I have yet to get enough of organising events and that’s why I’m applying for the position of Master of Culture on the board 2024!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

What do I want to do?
The guild has, again, grown and gotten some new friends. I want to cherish these friendships, both new and old. Additionally, I want to change the structure of the Cultural Affairs Committee as Kiira suggested (check out Ehdotus Hyvinvointimestarin roolin lisäämisestä Kulttuuritoimikuntaan // Proposal to add Master of Wellbeing to Culture Committee). Together with the Master of Wellbeing, I want to ensure that the wellbeing activities get going, whilst also ensuring the continuity and high quality of cultural activities in the future as well. And last but definitely not least, I want to make a close-knit Cultural Affairs Committee and organise events that looks like us. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Why me?
My guild career started as a second year student when I joined several committees, among which was the Cultural Affairs Committee. For this year, I left most of them, including Culture, to focus on being the Hostess. Even though sitsit are a bit different compared to events organised by Culture, I believe that my experience in planning and organising events, as well as leading a committee and working on the board make me an excellent Master of Culture. And besides all that, I just think it would be really cool to be Master of Culture, and let my event-organising-creativity flow in new ways!

Questions, comments, complaints? Contact me on TG @elunaheluna or come talk to me when you see me :wink:

2023: Hostess, ASki Guardian
2022: Cultural Journeyperson, minIEn, Depressant

Who? Elina, sometimes also Emilia :smiley:
What? Master of Culture 2024?? :partying_face: :partying_face:
Why? A perfect combination of experience, excitement and love for the guild <3
DC: Free but mandatory


Some questions, in english for readability for everyone:

Traditionally, culture master has also been in charge of external relations. Which external relationship do you feel needs the most work/could be evolved the most?

In the same vein, how do you see the future of TYTAS relationship? What could we do to deepen this relationship?

What is your favorite event? What event would you like to add into the guild’s roster?

What would be the biggest overarching theme you will try to apply to the guild?

Tsemppiä koitoksiin!

Hi Carlos, and thank you for these questions!

Traditionally, culture master has also been in charge of external relations. Which external relationship do you feel needs the most work/could be evolved the most?

I think the one that needs most work is our relationship with TYT as it has been… difficult… this year (more on this in the next answer). The one that could be evolved the most would be Kopeda, as it’s a new relationship so it’ll be fun to explore just what kind of events we could have together.

In the same vein, how do you see the future of TYTAS relationship? What could we do to deepen this relationship?

The relationship with TYT has been difficult in the past year, as I stated before. I do not think it’s hopelessly lost, but I think we need to re-evaluate it a little bit. Maybe we need a different mindset going into this relationship, or maybe the nature of our relationship needs to change. Additionally, I think more effort needs to be put into figuring out the sort of events that both TYT and AS members would actually want to attend, no matter if it’s held here in Otaniemi or somewhere else. Ultimately though, if we can’t find a meaningful way to continue this relationship, if our guild members aren’t interested in interacting with TYT, then there’s no sense in clinging to them just because the relationship has lasted so long. Still, I would like to keep working on this relationship and see where the road takes us.

What is your favorite event? What event would you like to add into the guild’s roster?

This past year, my favourite event would have to be lAStenkutsut, as it was tremendous fun to organise and the theme was fun. I would like to make the cooking/baking events we’ve had this year a regular thing. I haven’t been able to make it to either of them this year, but I’ve heard they were really fun (and I really do believe that).

What would be the biggest overarching theme you will try to apply to the guild?

This next year, I would like to organize several different types of events, so that each guild member can find an event that they enjoy, and each committee member gets to organise the type of events they want.