Hakemus kulttuurimestariksi 2023


Meikäläinen on Elias, neljännen vuoden AS-opiskelija ja kuten otsikko kertoo, haen killan hallitukseen kulttuurimestariksi ensi vuodelle. Kuluvana vuotena olen toiminut killassa kulttuurikisällinä ja viestijänä, jonka lisäksi aikaisemmilta vuosilta on kokemusta ISOilusta ja retkitoimikunnassa toimimisesta. Nyt koen, että olisi aika astua suurempiin saappaisiin ja lähteä vetämään kulttuuritoimikuntaa.

Miksi haen kulttuurimestariksi?

Verrattuna fuksivuoteeni 2019 kilta on muuttunut paljon. Oleellisesti tähän on vaikuttanut tietenkin killan brändiuudistus, mutta myös koko teekkariyhteisön kulttuurin muutos. Tämä taas vaikuttaa suoraan siihen, millaisia tapahtumia kulttuuritoimikunnalta kaivataan. Tätä muutosta seuranneena ja samalla kulttuuritoimikunnassa toimineena, koen saaneeni hyvän kuvan siitä, millaista kulttuuritoiminnan killassa tulisi olla ja nyt haluaisin sitä lähteä toteuttamaan.

Killan lisäksi olen toiminut aktiivisesti lasketteluyhdistys Skipolissa, jossa olen ollut toimarina fuksivuodesta asti sekä hallituksessa yrityssuhdevastaavana kauden 2021-2022. Noissa hommissa sain paitsi kokemusta tapahtumien järjestämisestä, mutta myös huomasin, kuinka paljon nautin hallitustyöskentelystä. Tuon hallituskauden päätyttyä kesällä, palo hallitushommia kohtaan jäi, mikä osaltaan on myös yksi syy tämän hakemuksen kirjoittamiseen.

Mutta hei, millaista se kulttuuritoiminta sitten olisi ensi vuonna? Siitä lisää seuraavaksi.

Näkemykseni kulttuuritoiminnasta killassa

Nähdäkseni koko Otaniemen laajuisesti tapahtumakulttuurissa on tapahtunut ja tapahtuu jatkuvasti muutosta. Enää tapahtuman järjestämiseksi ei riitä pelkkä tilan varaaminen dokaamista varten (vaikka tottakai tällaisillekin tapahtumille on yleisönsä), vaan kysyntä laadukkaille, jonkin muun asian kuin alkoholin ympärille rakentuville tapahtumille on suurempaa kuin koskaan.

Juuri tällaisten, jonkin kivan yhteisen tekemisen tai teeman ympärille muodostuvien tapahtumien järjestäminen on kulttuuritoimikunnan tärkein tehtävä. Toimikunta on tietenkin tekijöidensä summa ja tapahtumat vaihtelevat vuosittain, mutta tavoitteenani olisi järjestää kiltalaisille tekemistä laidasta laitaan; suurempien ryhmien tapahtumia, joihin ei muuten ehkä päätyisi (kuten paintball), sekä myös rentoa matalan kynnyksen toimintaa kuten teemaillat ja afterworkit.

Kavereita on kiva olla ja niinpä myös suhteet muihin opiskelijajärjestöihin kannattaa pitää kunnossa. Kulttuurimestarina pitäisin huolen, että tapahtumaa löytyisi niin Otaniemen muiden kiltojen, kuin muidenkin yhteistyötahojen, kuten teologien (TYT) ja Kannunvalajien kanssa. Ja eihän mikään estä uusiakaan yhteistyökuvioita!

Ei mulla tässä tällä kertaa muuta. Kysymyksiä, kommentteja tms. voi jättää tähän alle tai esittää tg:n puolelle @elzuh



Kuka? Elias Haarnoja

Mihin? Kulttuurimestariksi

Miksi? Lupaan järkkää tapahtumia laidasta laitaan ja pitää suhteet muihin opiskelijayhdistyksiin kunnossa. Luonnollisesti myös hallitushommat kiinnostelee.


2020 ISO, Skipoli ry: toimari

2021 ISO, Kulttuurikisälli, Retkisälli

2021-2022 Skipoli ry: Yrityssuhdevastaava

2022 Kulttuurikisälli, Viestijä

In English

Hi there!

I’m Elias, fourth-year AS-student and as the title says, I’m applying for Master of Culture for next year. This year in the guild I’ve worked as a Cultural Journeyperson and as a Communicator and from previous years I also have experience from tutoring and from trek committee. Now I feel like it would be time to take the lead of cultural committee as the Master of Culture.

Why am I applying?

Compared to my fuksi-year 2019 the guild has changed a lot. One significant reason for this has of course been guild’s brand renovation, but also cultural change in the whole teekkari community. This change directly affects what kind of events are needed in guild. Now, after being two years in Cultural committee and at the same time seeing the need for different events, I have a clear picture of what kind of cultural activities are needed in the guild.

In addition to then guild, I’ve been an active member of the skiing association Skipoli. There I’ve been an official since my fuksi year and a part of the board as a Head of Business relations in 2021-2022. In those positions I got experience from organizing big events, but also learned how much I like being member of the board. After that one year in board, I felt that it wasn’t enough so that is also one reason why I’m now applying to be part of the guild’s board.

But hey, what kind of activities there would be next year? Let me tell you.

My view of cultural activities in the guild.

The event culture in Otaniemi is continuously changing. It isn’t anymore enough to only book a space and go drinking (even though there is always audience for this kind of events also), instead the need for not alcohol-centric events is bigger than ever.

So, the most important task of cultural committee is organizing this kind of events that are focused on some nice activity or theme. Of course, committee members make the committee so organized events differ every year, but the main goal is to organize both bigger group events that wouldn’t be possible alone (like paintball) and low-threshold activity like theme evenings and afterworks.

It is nice to have friends so better to have good relations with other student associations. As the Master of Culture, I would make sure that there would be events with other guilds as well as other student associations like theology students (TYT) and Kannunvalajat. And nothing prevents having new friends.

Nothing more for now. Questions, comments etc. can be left as a reply or via tg @elzuh



Who? Elias Haarnoja

What? Applying for the Master of Culture

Why? I promise to organize all kinds of events and take care of guild’s relations to other student associations. Naturally I’m also eager to work as a member of the board.


2020 ISO, Skipoli ry: official

2021 ISO, Cultural Journeyperson, Trek-prentice

2021-2022 Skipoli ry Head of Business relations

2022 Cultural Journeyperson, Communicator


Some questions, in english for readability for everyone:¨

Traditionally, culture master has also been in charge of external relations. Which external relationship do you feel needs the most work/could be evolved the most?

In the same vein, how do you see the future of TYTAS relationship? What could we do to deepen this relationship?

What is your favorite event? What event would you like to add into the guild’s roster?

What would be the biggest overarching theme you will try to apply to the guild?

Tsemppiä koitoksiin!

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Thank you Carlos for excellent questions. Here are my thoughts on them.

We have many great external relationships which some of them are easier to maintain and some of them are more difficult. The most challenging ones are the ones with associations from outside the capital region for example Autek in Tampere or Linkki in Jyväskylä. For now, as far as I know, only common events with them have been during rrRankka or when they have been here during their excursion trips. So there is room for improvement, but as there are challenges like Otaniemi missing a place to accommodate guests and Tampere and Jyväskylä being quite far away from Otaniemi, common events with them are difficult to organize and shouldn’t be our number one focus.

Instead, what we should focus on and in my opinion has the greatest potential is our relationships with Kannunvalajat and TYT. Co-operation with Kannunvalajat restarted about a year ago with Simon metsästys, which was a success. After that we have had afterworks and are still going to have one event organized together this year. Co-operation with them has been really easy and I feel like there has been common conception that this relationship has potential. As this relationship was just started a year ago and we haven’t have that many events together, I think that this is the relationship that could be evolved the most.

In addition to Kannunvalajat, TYT is one of our main external relations. Past few years, we have usually had about two events with them per year, which is already quite good. I don’t see why we couldn’t at least keep the current level of TYTAS realtionship. To deepen this, I would try to develop some new event ideas, because even though TYTAS-sitsit and TYTAS-sauna have been quite common events, they might not be everyones cup of tea. It would be good to have some new, interesting events with wide variety, so there would be something for everyone. Preferably something active like the old TYTAS-pesis, because I have noticed that it’s easier to get to know new people when there’s something to do.

I have to say that the KIK x AS paintball event one month ago went at least near the top of my list. I had never before tried paintball and it was really fun. In addition, that event had some great aspects that I would like to have in my events: 1. it was easy way to try something new that wouldn’t be possible alone or with small group. 2. The event was built around an activity, so it was easy to meet new people. 3. It was somewhat competititve, so there was good team spirit

Then, to the second question. I would like to have at least some of those aspects that I listed included in my events. I don’t have one single event that I would like to add. Instead, I have more like a category. For past couple of years there haven’t really been group visits to exhibitions or cultural events, and I would like to improve that. Some concrete ideas would be visit to Amos Rex or some stand up show.

My overarching theme is that the guild should be place where everyone can feel themselves welcome and can find things that interest them. That is why I have stated in my application and in these answers the importancy of wide variety of events. There should be something for everyone, from first year to n:th year, and the events should be built around a theme or activity, so it’s easy to join and meet new people.