AS Kiltakysely 2023 // AS Guild Survey 2023

Moikka, aASit!

:purple_heart: AS Kiltakysely 2023 on täällä! Kyselyn tarkoituksena on kerryttää kokonaisvaltaisesti palautetta killan toiminnasta. Vastaaminen on anonyymia ja jokainen vastaus on tärkeä, sillä kyselyn avulla kehitetään kiltaa entistä paremmaksi.

:arrow_right: Kyselyn löydät täältä. ( Vastausaikaa on 25.8. asti. Vastaajien kesken arvotaan 3 x 12€ Wolt-lahjakortti!

:fountain_pen: Myös AS:n International-kysely on nyt julkaistu: mikäli olet KV-opiskelija, tsekkaathan infot alapuolelta!


Hello, aASis!

:purple_heart: The AS Guild Survey 2023 and the AS International survey are here! The surveys are meant to gather feedback about the guild from all areas. Answering is anonymous and every answer counts: we will use the survey’s results to further better the guild’s activity.

:arrow_right: You can find the AS Guild Survey here. ( The survey closes on 25.8. and 3 x 12€ Wolt gift cards will be raffled for guild members who complete the survey!

:loud_sound: The AS International Survey 2023 can be found behind this link! ( This survey is meant for all of our international students, so the guild can improve its international sector and better help all international students integrate into guild and Aalto life.
:fast_forward: The International survey closes on 25.8. and is meant for all AS international students. Every answer counts and all answers are anonymous! 2 x 10€ Wolt gift cards will be raffled for guild members who complete the survey!